Introducing Mental Training to Athletes
In “Sports Psychology Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Mike about how you can introduce mental coaching to your athletes.
Visit Sports Psychology for Athletes at and click on contact us to submit your mental game questions for Dr. Cohn to answer in his mental game videocast or podcast.
How do you introduce mental training to your kids without them feeling like something is wrong?
Mark wrote in and said:
“I don’t know how to help my son realize that he has a throwing issue without destroying his confidence. How do I approach it with him? I want him to ask for help, as I want him to be the one that engages in mental coaching.”
Why are athletes afraid to do mental training?
Watch the video below to learn Dr. Cohn’s mental game tips about how parents can introduce mental training to their athletes without hurting their confidence:
Related: Mental Toughness Training in Sports
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Most coaching is “deficit” based. I enjoy this approach as a “strengths” based focus.
Thanks Alfonso!